Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
Well the Big Dog came out to play for the finale of this Eclectic Series. Another good turnout for our final round of 2022 at Pondok Cabe Golf Club. The weather didn’t disappoint, it rained pretty much all afternoon, as usual. Not sure if we’ve ever had such a wet eclectic series as we have had at Pondok Cabe. The seasons seem to have got all mixed up these days. Anyway, the rain was not too much and we got off a little later than usual but everyone was safely back in the club house in good time.
Good to see a few back from their travels including Indar Dhaliwal, Gazza Chapman and Shashvat Pandey (we haven’t seen you for a while Shash), welcome back.
But first, the day’s play saw multiple winners again with Willy Noronha taking both Nearest to the Pin prizes and Tribhuvan Singh taking both Drive & Pitch honours. The Longest Drives were split between Akhil Aggarwal and Alex MacGregor. James Bristow showed us all how to putt in the rain becoming this week’s Putting Champion. Nana Sari Dewi took the Booby Prize with a not too shabby 24 points and Gazza Chapman the Most Exercise again with an also not too shabby 111; nothing to be ashamed of there guys!
Richard Mau obviously enjoys the rain, shooting a 77 for the Lowest Gross prize. Dougie McQuater had a good round to be this week’s Runner Up with Robson Drumond taking the Little Dog and becoming our Weekly Champion. It was Robson’s first Little Dog, something he has been dreaming of for a long time. Congrats Robson and we’re sure it will be your first of many in the future.
Congratulations to all of this week's winners!
So, was anyone going to catch Mr Keddington in the race for the Big Dog and Blue Jacket?
It seems not, with Dave taking his third consecutive Big Dog equalling the current record and taking the Lowest Gross Average as well. His game just keeps going from strength to strength as his handicap keeps going down and down! We also had two or our ladies in the top ten; Sarah Brown and Reysia Moore (love the Shepherd’s Pie by the way! Goes down really well with JB’s Jalapeño Martinis)!!!. The full Top Ten is shown below and the full Eclectic results can be seen through the usual links below or on the mygolf2u app.
The full standings can be seen through the links on our Leaderboard page or in the mygolf2u app.
So, overall we had 276 rounds of golf over the six weeks with 95 different players. Great support from everyone and thanks to all.
Our Charity for this series was the Yayasan YPAI Indriya which is a special needs school mainly for autistic children in Bogor. You generously gave 5,000,000 IDR Which will be donated the school along with 3 computers kindly donated by Via.com from Srinivas Murthy.
We must also welcome and say a huge thanks to our new Gold Sponsor, Door to Indonesia. More information on them and the services they offer can be found through the DOGS website or https://doortoid.com
And finally, there were two matchplays during the day in the President’s Challenge with results:
Indar Dhaliwal defeated Dan Swinburne 4 & 2
Fernando Gaggino defeated Kevin Dobson 4 & 3
John Brown over Divya Ahuja via walkover
A reminder to all to get their first round matches done as soon as possible please.
So now we move to Rancamaya Golf & Country Club, our usual venue during Ramadan. With Idul Fitri coming early this year this Eclectic Series will be over four rounds only, starting this Saturday. The final week, will be D.O.G.S., JAWS and Tee Set putting together 3 days of golf, April 22-24. JAWS will host Friday's game, Saturday will be a 2 man scramble for Charity and Sunday our final round of the Eclectic and our annual matchplay against Tee Set. There will be cocktails on Friday evening and a barbecue Saturday evening, full details are available on our dedicated page. All games are available for registration through the website or myGolf2u and Captain Dougie will be in touch nearer the day for the team details for the match against Tee Set. There will also be a dinner party on the Saturday night. D.O.G.S. have a special rate at the Rancamaya Hotel if you book through Arci, WA 08562905662. Please contact them direct for details.
So, as we say, grab a friend and sign up. Please anticipate the traffic and get there in good time for our mini shotgun, it makes a big difference, thanks in advance. As always, please let Rod know your group preferences as soon as possible.
Where: Rancamaya Golf Club
When: Saturday, April 2, 2022
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 950.000 IDR/person cart sharing
To register:
Rod & jb
The Rules and what it means when we play.
Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel, R&A First Grade Umpire.
A player may decline a concession by their opponent?
A - True
B - False
Correct answer B
Explanation: A concession is final; it cannot be withdrawn once it is made and
it cannot be declined.
A player may ground her club lightly behind the ball in a bunker.
A - False
B - True
Correct answer A
Explanation: Before a player makes a stroke at her ball in a bunker, she must not touch sand in the area right in front of or right behind her ball.
Before playing his ball from long grass, a player moves some loose impediments from around his ball. In doing so he causes his ball to move. What is the ruling?
A - The player gets one penalty stroke and the ball must be replaced.
B - The player gets two penalty strokes and the ball must be replaced.
C - There is no penalty but the ball must be replaced.
Correct answer A
Explanation: As the player has caused his ball to move, he gets a penalty of one stroke and must replace the ball.
If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to jakartadogs@gmail.com and our Rules Guy Jens Roestel will answer on our website.
ISCO Next Game
ISCO's next charity golf tournament will be April 1, 2022 at Cengkareng. Please register by email to dan.benes@me.com or via myGolf2u app.
WhatsApp Group
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com