Hail the D.O.G.S.!
28 cards were handed in for our final round at Rainbow Hills. A good turnout considering all that was going on this past weekend.
Franz Kleindl was able to make an improvement and hold off Kevin Dobson to take home his first Big Dog. Rosie, who was unable to make it for the final round as she had something more important to do, won the Lady Dog. Mark Johnson, surprising absolutely nobody, took home the lowest gross honors, just beating out Franz.
Congratulations to our Rainbow Hills Champions!
In the weekly tournament visitor Ally Bell shot an 81 off the stick to win lowest gross. However, his 35 Stableford points were only good enough for second as the Little Dog was won with a score of 43 points. This was only the second time this tournament it was not taken by one of our Lady Dogs.
Please see attachment for the rest of the winners and the final results.
As always many thanks to Kevin Dobson, Rod Williams and Mike Gavin for running the show, gathering scorecards, fines and compiling the results and to Sarah for organizing all the prizes.
Also thanks to Rainbow Hills for their support in this tournament.
Thank you to everyone who turns in their cards before going to the shower to help speed up the scoring.
This week will be an off week for us. Take the opportunity to relax or go to the driving range and get tuned up for our next tournament. David will be back and sending the announcement very soon.