Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!!, 24 cards were submitted for our second round at Matoa. The course was once again well prepared for us and the D.O.G.S. were able to start teeing off 30 minutes ahead of schedule.
Welcome back to Arne & Rosie Tjaden, Andreas Janssen, Jochen Sautter, and Edwin Thieroff who turned in his first D.O.G.S. scorecard for 2017. Watch out HOGS, Edwin was playing well and is ready for all comers at the next D.O.G.S & HOGS day.
Welcome to Michael Munro who, after many months of trying, was finally able to join us. Hope you enjoyed the round Michael and are able to get back soon.
Pekka Kivioja was the winner of the Little Dog this week with 44 points.
Congratulations to this week's winners!
Nearest to the Pin Hole 4: PIETER NIELEN-GROEN
Nearest to the Pin Hole 12: KEITH GORMAN
Longest Drive Hole 9: NORMAN BUNTER
Longest Drive Hole 14: JOCHEN OVERBERG
Drive and Pitch Hole 6: NORMAN BUNTER
Drive and Pitch Hole 17:
Putting Champion: ARNE TJADEN 27 putts
Today's Bobby Prize: MICHAEL MUNRO 20 points
Most Exercise: MICHAEL MUNRO 112 strokes
Lowest Gross: MARK JOHNSON 83 strokes
Runner Up: ALASTAIR LIVINGSTON 39 points
Weekly Champion: PEKKA KIVIOJA 44 points
Get up off the couch, grab a friend and join us for our next round at:
Padang Matoa Nasional Golf Course
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Tee Off: 12:04
Green fee + Golf Cart: 600.000/person
Remaining Schedule:· Sunday, April 23, 2017
· Sunday, April 30, 2017
· Saturday, May 6, 2017Please let us know by noon Friday, April 14th, if you intend to play.
Regards, jb