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D.O.G.S. Rules
D.O.G.S. play to USGA and local course rules.
D.O.G.S may introduce additional local rules for specific rounds if deemed warranted (i.e. preferred lies) which will be communicated prior to beginning of round.
To be eligible for Weekly Runner Up and Weekly Champion prizes a player must have an established D.O.G.S. handicap.
Information on obtaining D.O.G.S. handicap can be found here.
Players course handicaps are calculated based on the USGA system (pre-2020).
Maximum course handicap for gentlemen is 36 and ladies is 40.
Gentlemen play off the Blue Tees.
Gentlemen over 65 are welcome to play from the White Tees.
Same tees must be used for entire tournament.
Ladies play off Red Tees.
No mulligans.
If a ball is hit OB; in place of stroke and distance penalty, player has option of taking a
two-stroke penalty and dropping a ball on the fairway nearest to the point where the original
ball crossed the edge of course boundary no nearer to the hole.
– Once a player has moved forward their only relief option is as provided by this local rule
and not stroke and distance relief. If a provisional ball was played the player must
proceed with provisional ball. -
Scorecards should filled out by another person in group and in other cart where possible.
Scorecards signed by both player and scorer
Write down actual score.
While we don't put scores above 8 on the Eclectic scoreboard we still use gross scores for Lowest Gross and handicapping.
If you decide to pick up, put an X on scorecard.
If your group has not assigned scoring duties in myGolf2u to 1 player, then all players must swap scorecards with one of your playing partners. Nobody should be recording their own score unchecked. At the end of the round scorecards must be compared to the app to make sure everything is correct. Scorecards need to be signed by player and marker once they agree all is good. If there is a dispute then scorecards should be left unsigned until player and marker have discussed with a member of the committee.
Have fun!
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