Hail the DOGS, HOGS n Bi+ches!!!
What started out to be a blazing hot day soon turned into the regular Monsoon, three holes from the end for most!!
Only two keen golfers went back out to finish the round, where as the remainder of the 26 players this week opted for a hot shower and a beer. The course looked like it had been hit by a hurricane with debris all over the greens and fairways.As you can see in the photos that one par 3 had turned into a river. JB showed his Dad Mike Brown that he wasn't phased by the rain and put his hair up in a bunch to combat the weather (see photo). I bet Mike was pleased to travel all the way from Alberta to play in the fine weather…..
Laurie O'Connor said he didn't want to take the most exercise and bobby prize this weeks as he claimed he could play much better. However, as only Mark and Laurie finished the round!! Laurie ended up collecting both again along with Weekly champion too, hitting 95 off the stick with 37 points!! Mark Johnson hit 85 off the stick to collect lowest gross.
HOGS collected Rp. 2,500,00 towards the Gunter Cleft Foundation and HOGS Yayasan, At least one young child here in Indonesia will benefit from a much needed operation to smile again.Thank you to all those who showed up to support this very worthy charity. 5th and Penultimate Round at Gunung Guelis will be:
Sunday 20th MarchTee off 12.00 or asapFee Rp. 700,000 nett If you intend to join this round, kindly respond before 12.00 Midday Friday 18th March. We need to let the course know our numbers and prepare score sheets.
Planed Schedule:
Final Round 6 Saturday 26 March
