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4th Round results

Hail the DOGS n Bitches!!!

The course and staff have redeemed themselves as everyone was tee'd off before 12.00 with 36 cards handed in and the majority of people were on the road home by 18.00 after a quick prize giving!!!

Harvey Hayman stole the day with a longest drive and 80 off the stick with 37 pts making him the only person to break the 36 point threshold in 4 rounds!! He also returned his Eclectic Championship BIG DOG to the group as he is due to leave Indonesia in a week or two. However he takes home the Weekly Champion dog instead.

At the other end of the scale one of our new comers to the DOGS Jack Taylor took the most exercise with a respectable 126 off the stick and his 6 pts earned him the Bobby Prize!!!

All results are attached for round 4.

Penultimate round of 2014 will be a HOGS n DOGS round where the DOGS donate the fees and fines to Helping Children in Indonesia through the Yayasan HOGS.

So please bring along as many players as possible this weekend to make for healthy final contribution of the year to these children in need.



Tee off 12.00

FEE 650.000 nett.

If you intend to join the Penultimate round kindly let us know before 12.00 Midday Friday 28th November. 



Final round Sunday 7th November

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