Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

The 38 players who came out to enjoy our penultimate round of this tournament found a course well prepared and ready for us to it the tee box tee on time. Following the obligatory photos on the scenic 1st hole the lead group teed off and play moved swiftly around the course without delay. Sunny skies blessed the D.O.G.S. for the entire round. After play golfers were streaming onto the patio in time to enjoy the last bit of daylight. The main point of after golf discussion was the greens which continue to confound the D.O.G.S. with only 1 player managing to get under 30 putts.
Welcome to Inge Lauwrent, Tarja Alamattila and Samuli Jalava. Good to see Timo Karonen who is in town for a visit and made the effort to come out. Also great to see Aknes Berkenhoff showing off her toughness (or is it stubbornness), making an early return from her injury suffered during the second round. John Packer and Joe Callahan were also back, don't be away so long next time gents.

We had several double winners in the skill prizes with Jacob Smith taking a Nearest to Pin and Longest Drive while Jude Alexander grabbed Putting Champion along with Runner up. Bobby Cangkrama took the other Nearest to Pin and Divya Ahuja got the second Longest Drive. The Drive & Pitch prizes were shared by Roberto Daniele and Tarja Alamattila. Joe Callahan brought along Inge Lauwrent and the happy couple clearly were thinking of other things than golf while touring the course with Inge taking Most Exercise and Joe the Booby Prize.
Akhil Aggarwal, who is determined to remain at the top of the leaderboard for a start to finish run, won both the Lowest Gross and Weekly Champion.
A big congratulations to all our winners this week!
Akhil is slowing down only making one improvement but remains at the top of the leaderboard. There has been some shuffling in the pack chasing him setting up what is sure to be a competitive final round. The Lowest Gross standings are quite interesting with just 1 round to go Shinta Sari is sitting at the top. You can see the full results here.
Thank you to the groups for bringing in the flags. As a reminder, if you are the last group on one of the second nines please remember to pick up the flags as you play.
Another reminder for players to show up before our scheduled tee times. Do not turn up for the times listed in myGolf2u for groups. These are simply place holders. We will adjust as the course allows. Late arrivals make things difficult for administration. If you are running late please let us know.
Please sign up early as usual and if you have a group you would like to play with let Rod know your preferred playing partners and make sure you have confirmed that your preferred playing partners are their preferred playing partners!
Where: Gunung Geulis Country Club - West Course
When: Saturday, 26 October 2024
Tee Off: 11:28
Green Fee: 988.000 IDR w/cart
To register:
Via our website.
Sign up in myGolf2u
See you all on the course.
Rod & jb
Rules Information
Ball markers are usually not the subject of rules discussions however there are some situations where questions may be raised. Read more here.
Proceeds collected during the Gunung Geulis and Pondok Cabe tournaments will go to support the ANZA Student Sponsorship Program. More details about the program can be found on our Charity page.
If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
WhatsApp Groups
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com