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D.O.G.S. Third Round at Klub Golf Bogor Raya

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

So, we came to the half way stage in this Eclectic Series with another great turnout of 59 players. For some reason the club gave a Hot Rod Cart to Rod - very fitting! A few newcomers with Saowanee Siriwat joining Paul Barnett for the first time, a couple of Lukas Musial's guests in the persons of Sang Hyuk Kwak and Minchul Kang also joining for the first time. Some old faces we haven't see for a while with Jeremy Halma, Andy Wood and Paul Russell joining us - good to see you back after a while!

The course was perhaps a little softer than the previous week with the greens and pin positions just as challenging, making for a good afternoon with, yet again, perfect weather. The usual shotgun start got us off on time and pace of play was steady with everyone finished in good time to enjoy the evening in the Tondano Restaurant. Although a few had to disappear off to other commitments, we do encourage all to join the fun after golf - it's all part of the social side of who we are in the D.O.G.S.

So, to the play with a good mixture of the usual suspects and new ones winning this week. Rey Moore and Willie Noronha mastered the Par 3's taking the Nearest to the Pin prizes while Arnold Castillon and Songpol Sak mastered their approach shots taking the Drive & Pitch prizes. Well, it perhaps came as no surprise to see Anirudh win both the Longest Drive prizes with a couple of monsters - well over 300 yards! We need to see those converted into Eagles next time!

Ezra Alexander had his flat stick working winning the Putting Champion prize on a count back. Andy Wood seems not to have played so much golf in his absence taking the Booby Prize and Saowanee Siriwat took the Most Exercise away from partner Paul Barnett for a change - a bit unfair of you Paul!

With the low handicap and long drives, no surprise to see Anirudh taking the Low Gross even though he shot 4 over his handicap! Gary Millburn had a good day to take the Runner Up slot leaving Arnold Castillion to win his first Little Dog and be this week's Champion.

And all the winners...

A big congratulations to all our winners this week!

So, now we're at the half way stage and things are starting to take shape at the top of the Eclectic Leaderboard. Bobby Cangkrama is holding on to a strong lead but he only has one bogie to clear then it's all got to be birdies if he wants to improve. The gap between him and Indar Dhaliwal in second place is a huge 3.1. There's a significant gap of 4.2 between the top 5 but there's still 3 rounds left so it's still all to play for. You can see the full Eclectic Leaderboard so far here.

We are limited to 64 players by the course and spaces are already almost gone for Round 4 so please sign up as soon as possible so you don't miss out. If you do find that registration is full, please message either Rod or John so we can put you on the waiting list. If, for any reason, you have to cancel, please deregister as soon as possible and let us know - Thanks.

Please take note that next week, due to a tournament at the course, our round is on SUNDAY. If you have a group you would like to play with let Rod know your preferred playing partners and make sure you have confirmed that your preferred playing partners are their preferred playing partners!

  • Where: Klub Golf Bogor Raya

  • When: SUNDAY, 1 September 2024

  • Tee Off: 13:00

  • Green Fee: 1.100.000 IDR w/cart

To register:

See you all on the course.

Rod & jb


Rules Information

This year the D.O.G.S. implemented the Model Local Rule Alternative to Stroke and Distance for a ball that is lost or out of bounds.

This information is included in our scorecards and displayed on our website.

Watch this video for an explanation on how to implement.

Remember, if you decide to hit a provisional under stroke and distance penalty you do not have the option to use the alternative. Likewise, once you move forward, you do not have the option to go back and hit under stroke and distance penalty if you don't like the drop area.



Bogor Raya Charity

The charity we are supporting for this tournament is Pondok Al Wafa. This incredible orphanage takes in abandoned children from all over Indonesia, providing them with a loving home and quality education. More information can be found on our Charity Page.


If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to

WhatsApp Groups

We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to

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