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D.O.G.S. Second Game Rainbow Hills Golf Club

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

The weather was great for golf and 9 players turned up to test their skills against Rainbow Hills. The course was almost empty allowing us to get started on time and ease around the course unimpeded. Following the round the restaurant was open which allowed us to enjoy a few refreshments together before heading back to Jakarta.

As the course is still under restrictions we will continue with our fun match format. Take the opportunity to catch up with fellow D.O.G.S. you haven't seen in awhile. Grab a friend and sign up to play.

  • Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club

  • When: Saturday, September 11, 2021

  • Tee Off: 12:00

  • Green Fee + Golf Cart: 820.000 IDR/person

If you would like to play in a particular group please let us know, otherwise we will arrange groups. Registration and prepayment must be done by Thursday afternoon. We will release the groupings Friday.

To register:

Green fee payment should be made to:

  • Rainbow Hills Golf Club

  • Bank BCA Cab. CBD-Pluit

  • A/C 806-011-7374

  • A/N PT. Light Instrumenindo.

  • Note name and write DOGS

Send proof of payment to Events Rainbow Hills Golf at +62 811-1100-199

Restrictions from Rainbow Hills (translations are not literal):

  1. Golfer & Driver (Jika ada) wajib untuk mempunyai aplikasi PEDULI LINDUNGI - Golfer & Driver must have Penduli Lindungi app.

  2. Wajib VAKSIN - Vaccine mandatory

  3. Jika belum VAKSIN WAJIB melakukan PCR Test di aplikasi PEDULI LINDUNGI - If you don't have vaccine you must have a current PCR test logged in Penduli Lindungi app.

  4. Wajib Scan QR Code PEDULI LINDUNGI sebelum memasuki area CLUB HOUSE - Scan QR code in Penduli Lindungi before entering Clubhouse

  5. Hasil Scan QR Code PEDULI LINDUNGI: Hijau & Kuning di perbolehkan masuk. Merah Tidak di perboleh kan masuk - As per Penduli Lindungi results, Green & Yellow may enter. Red may not.

  6. Wajib Mengisi Form Self- Assement dan di tanda tangani pada saat registrasi - Must fill out the Self-Assessment Form and sign it at the time of registration

  7. Semua Fasilitas Club House di Tutup sementara - All Club House Facilities are Temporarily Closed

  8. Selesai Golf dilarang ada kerumunan / kumpul2, di wajib kan langsung meninggalkan area CLUB HOUSE - After golf, there are no crowds / gatherings, you are required to immediately leave the CLUB HOUSE area

  9. Wajib Mengikuti 6M standart PROKES COVID-19 - Must follow the 6M standard PROKES COVID-19

  10. Selamat berolah raga semoga sehat selalu dan di berkahi Tuhan YME - Have a good game.

See you at the course,




The Rules and what it means when we play.

Courtesy of fellow Dog,

Jens Roestel,

R&A First Grade Umpire.

Which part of the club you are allowed to use for striking?

The club head is used for striking the ball. It is allowed to use all sides of the club head, the top, the back, the heel and the front side of the toe area as well.

Is it allowed to hit a ball without the ball touching the club itself?

It is allowed to hit the ball by striking something in between and the ball and the club.

For example: The ball stops directly in front of a fence, which marks the OB. The player hits behind the fence against the fence itself, directly behind the ball and the ball moves forward. This is a correct shot according to the rules of golf.

Striking a moving ball.

Generally it is not allowed to hit a ball in movement, but if the ball starts moving after the golfer starts his backswing it is penalty free and the golfer can play on with the ball in the position, which the ball, after the strike with the ball in movement, took.

Responsibility for the repair of pitch mark, divot or raking of the bunker.

Please do not forget that the responsibility of all above lies in the hands of the golfer. The caddy is a supporter of the golfer, upon request the caddy will do all that work and good caddies will do it unasked. However, the responsibility that it is properly done is with the golfer.

If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to and our Rules Guy Jens Roestel will answer on our website.



Player Safety

To ensure everyone's safety, players are reminded to follow the protocols set by Jakarta's COVID-19 Response Team:

  • Wear a mask properly wherever you go

  • Wash your hands with soap and running water regularly

  • Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters

Lastly, we certainly enjoy when you come out to play with us, but if you are ill, it is best to stay home and rest.

President's Challenge

Matches can be played anywhere at anytime as long as both players agree. Challengers are on the lower rung and should initiate the request to play. Check out the board to see who you are playing against.

If you need some help scheduling please ask anyone from the Committee and we'll be glad to assist.

WhatsApp Group

We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to

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