Hail the D.O.G.S.!
Our first round at Gunung Geulis started out with very hot weather. A very intense storm interrupted the back 9 but those who braved the storm were able to finish their round.
Golfers who went the long way, past Rainbow Hills had no trouble getting to the course. Those of us who dared taking the “shorter” route were delayed considerably. Do yourself a favor and take the Rainbow Hills route next week.
Please find results from this weeks round attached. Congratulations to the winners.
Thank you to everyone who turns in their cards before going to the shower to help speed up the scoring.
D.O.G.S. discount cards for Tapas Movida are in. Please see me after the round to pick up your card and take advantage of their generous offer to D.O.G.S. members.
Please join us for round 2 at:
Gunung Geulis Country Club on Sunday, April 7, 2013.
Tee time: 12:00 pm
Price is Rp 688,000 per person.
If you intend to play please send in your name by noon Friday.
Remaining schedule:
Sunday April 14, 2013. Rp 688K
Sunday April 21, 2013. Rp 688K
Sunday April 28, 2013. Rp 688K
Sunday May 5, 2013. Rp 688K