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D.O.G.S. Second Round at Riverside Golf Club

Writer's picture: Djakarta Old Golf SocietyDjakarta Old Golf Society

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

Another great turnout with 39 players coming out for Round 2 at Riverside. The course has got our start down nicely; once again we were smoothly off on time. The course was clear in front allowing for quick pace and lots of time in the clubhouse before sunset.

Welcome to Phillip Schaferdieck, Jack Barnsley and Dimitri Burge, and welcome back to Franz Heuken and Ralf Schmitt; thanks for coming out guys!

While everyone was coming off the course heading for the showers the clubhouse experienced a power failure. Always a curious guy, Geoff Thwaites went off to investigate and found this little guy was the cause.

Gary Danskin had his game going well taking Drive & Pitch, Putting Champion and Lowest Gross with a 73. He's already below 70 net in the Eclectic and going to be tough to keep up with at this rate. Joining us for his first round of 2021, Mark Johnson did well taking the Runner Up with 41 points. Douglas McQuater won the bragging rights as our Weekly Champion.

Before adjourning we were able to finish up a bit of 2020 business by awarding Andy Coop his Blue Jacket. You will notice this one fits a bit better than the one we use at the end of tournaments.

Congratulations to all of our winners! Check out full results on our Leaderboard.

The D.O.G.S. are off to a great start and the course is in excellent shape. To add to the fun we will be having our potluck pairings this week. Groups will be chosen at random upon arriving at the course. Grab a friend and come join us.

  • Where: Riverside Golf Club

  • When: Saturday, January 23, 2021

  • Tee Off: 11:45

  • Green Fee + Golf Cart: 850.000 IDR/person

As always; we request players are at the course 1 hour early.

To register:

If you are going to be late or decide not to play, let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.

See you at the course,




Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel - R&A First Grade Umpire.

The Rules and what it means when we play.

Situation 1 – Hide & Seek

As usual, your ball has ended up in a bunker. On first inspection, you think your ball has completely vanished, and there is no trace of it in the hazard. However, after further searching, you realise that your ball is in the hazard, but has somehow been buried in the bunker. What do you do?

According to Rule 12-1a, if your ball is believed to be covered by sand to the extent that you can’t find or identify it, you can touch or move the sand in order to find or identify your ball without penalty.

However, if your ball is found and identified, you must re-create the lie as accurately as possible.

Under this Rule, you are permitted to leave a small area of your ball uncovered and visible.

Situation 2 – Something in the Wind

You’re lucky enough to be playing on a windy day and about to take your turn when a gust of wind moves your ball. Under Rule 18, the wind is not an ‘outside agency’ and therefore you should play from where it came to rest. However, if your ball is moved by artificially propelled air, you must replace your ball without penalty. No fans on the green, please.

Speaking of wind, how do you test wind direction without being disqualified? Picking and throwing grass into the air, a handkerchief or the smoke from a cigar or cigarette are all allowed under Rule 14-3. However, a ‘windsock’ would not be compliant as its sole purpose is to measure conditions that may affect your play.



Player Safety

To ensure everyone's safety, players are reminded to follow the protocols set by Jakarta's COVID-19 Response Team:

  • Wear a mask properly wherever you go

  • Wash your hands with soap and running water regularly

  • Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters


The Eclectic standings can now be seen from myGolf2u via link on our Leaderboard page. Check them out. We are still working through some bugs, if you see any errors please let us know.

Players are reminded to log non-D.O.G.S. rounds directly in the app. This will ensure everyone has accurate and up to date handicaps. You can do this while you play or later in the comfort of your home using the web portal found at

Should you need assistance please contact Rod Williams and he will be happy to help.

D.O.G.S. Match Play Competition

We are kicking off our first ever match play competition with the President's Challenge. Check details are on our page dedicated to the competition and sign up is via and we'll get you entered. Entry closes January 23rd, so please register ASAP.


Proceeds from our next tournament will be going to Yayasan Al Hijrah, an orphanage that adopts abandoned children and educates them from throughout Indonesia. Ibu Ida, the founder of Yayasan Al Hijrah, is a friend of John & Sarah Brown.

Upcoming Tournaments

Check out our Upcoming Tournaments page for ISCO's first round of 2021 and JAWS anniversary.

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