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D.O.G.S. First Round at Pondok Cabe Golf & Country Club

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

Over the past 2 years Pondok Cabe has become a favorite of the D.O.G.S. and with 44 players turning up for our first round this continues to be the case. There was a bit of confusion with the start as, depending on who you speak to, the course or D.O.G.S. players, wanted an early start. Groups began teeing off just before 11:00 with other non-Dogs groups interspersed. Nonetheless, we were able to make sure everyone who turned up was greeted and put into a group and nobody had to skip breakfast. We have spoken to the course about this and they will do a better job next week of keeping us together and teeing off at the appointed time.

Along with the large number of Dogs we also had 7 players joining for the first time; welcome to Agra Acedya, Romi Abdilah, Faisal Muzakki, Aryo Seno, Kalle-Erkki Pentilä, Grant Lutz and Stephen Bowhill. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

There is not way of spinning this as a positive so we will just say it, it was a wet day. Overcast skies greeted us along with far off thunder and lightning at the start. Sure enough the rain turned up and then hung over us for most of the round sometimes getting lighter but never quite quitting. However, play was quick and the rain was not enough to stop anyone (just enough to make sure everyone was thoroughly soaked) and all players seemed to enjoy themselves as evidenced by the great scores turned in.

Players were able to take advantage of the soft conditions and score well with 17 Dogs scoring above their handicap in Stableford points. In the past they would have all earned a nice slashing of their handicaps. As this is the first week of our new handicap (and more accurate) system they won't feel quite the sting.

On the day, Nabil Wareeth was a double winner taking a Nearest to the Pin and Putting Champion with 25 putts. Roger Finnie shot a smooth 78 to take the Lowest Gross, James Taylor's 41 points were only enough for 1st Runner Up as newbie golfer Harry "el Bandito" Lopez made 47 points to win Weekly Champion.

Pondok Cabe 2019 Week 1 Champion Harry Lopez

Congratulations to all of the weekly winners! Full results can be found on our Leaderboard page.

Next week POCKSIA be will joining us to play their monthly game and at the same time we will hold the 3rd installment of our inter-society match. Following the round there will be a barbecue at the course where Roger Finnie and Glen Menyennett will demonstrate their prowess at grilling burgers prepared by Jayson's Meats. As an added treat there will also be 3 Kg of South African sausage on the grill. A nominal charge of 100,000 IDR to cover cost of food will be requested from those staying for the barbecue. In order to make sure we are catering for enough people we need to know numbers so please let us know ASAP if you are planning to come.

Burgers anyone?

Simon Oxley will be Captain of the D.O.G.S. and is looking for players eager to represent. Please drop us an email if you would like to be on the D.O.G.S. team. We will still have our regular D.O.G.S. competition on the day so playing in the friendly match is not a requirement to be part of the fun and all are welcome to the barbecue.

We still have some outstanding Blue Jackets to hand out and will be doing this during the barbecue and prize giving ceremonies. If you are the owner of a Blue Jacket take the opportunity to wear it with pride on Saturday.

Get off the couch, grab a friend and sign up to play our next round.

Where:  Pondok Cabe Golf & Country Club

When:  Saturday February 23, 2019

Tee Off:  12:00

Green Fee + Golf Cart:  660.000 IDR/person

Golfers are asked to be at the course one hour early to allow for us to arrange groups and take advantage of an early start should the course allow.

Please let us know you are playing by noon Friday, February 22. Players can sign up via 3 methods, our website, email to or via the Deemples app.

Some people have reported issues signing up via mobile phones. We have not been able to trace the cause of this; if you are having trouble we suggest Deemples as an alternative.





The new handicap system is in place. If you have not yet done so please go to the Handicap page of the website for more information and a link to check your handicap.

Don't forget to send in properly filled out scorecards for rounds outside D.O.G.S. and Tee Set so that we have your most accurate handicap.


There is always new content being added to our website so take some time to check the various pages regularly, especially Upcoming Golf Tournaments and Events. Don't forget to check out our Sponsors page to see who is supporting us.


Dogs are always encouraged to share photos from their game, if you have some you would like to share please send in and we will fit them into the weekly update, post on our Facebook or Instagram feeds or our Gallery. We need some group photos from Pondok Cabe round 1 in anyone has one.

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