Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
The big numbers continue with 51 players coming out for our 3rd round. The course was able to get us started by 11:30 and the D.O.G.S. took advantage to get the large group underway as soon as possible. A heavy downpour in the middle of the back nine made for a wet finish but didn't dampen the fun.
Welcome to Cedric Lee, new to Jakarta and the D.O.G.S., thanks for joining us! We hope to see you back soon.
In the daily prizes there were several multiple prize winners; Rey Moore once again showed up the men by taking both Longest Drives. Sebastian Braun made sure he got value for his green fees taking the Booby Prize and Most Exercise. Divya Ahuja was playing very well winning a Drive & Pitch, Putting Champion and Weekly Champion; his second in 3 weeks!
Congratulations to all of this week's winners!
Full Lowest Gross and Eclectic standings can be viewed at our Leaderboard page.
Last week John & Sarah Brown and Rod & Dewi Williams went to Bogor to visit Yayasan YPAI-Indriya to handover the donations from our Modern Tournament. Indriya primarily educates children with special needs such as Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and other mental and physical challenges.
We are now past the halfway point of this tournament which means opportunities to play are slipping away. Don't miss out, grab a friend and sign up for our next round.
Where: Rancamaya Golf & Country Club
When: Saturday, April 24, 2021
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 750.000 IDR/person
As always; we request players are at the course 1 hour early.
Last week the traffic was very light to the course and this week we expect the same. It is also quite likely we will get another early start. If you arrive after 11:00 you may find we are already on the tee box.
To register:
Via our website
Email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
Sign up in mygolf2u
If you are going to be late or decide not to play, let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
See you at the course,
The Rules and what it means when we play.
Courtesy of fellow Dogs,
Rudie Basson and Jens Roestel,
R&A First Grade Umpires.
Mark Johnson's eagle eye spotted a rule posted last week that requires some clarification.
Accidently hitting the ball in play, other than on the green, with a practice swing:
The stroke does not count (no intent), but the ball has been moved and must be replaced on original spot and there is a one stroke penalty for moving your ball.
Note that a ball is only in play once a player has made a stroke at the ball to start the hole.
On the green there is no penalty but the ball must be replaced. There is also no penalty for accidentally hitting a ball with a practice swing prior to the start of the hole, as the ball is not in play.
This week's subject is playing the ball.
Tee Shots
Play your tee shot from between, and not in front of, the tee-markers. You may play your tee shot from up to two club-lengths behind the front line of the tee-markers.
If you play your tee shot from outside this area:
In match play there is no penalty, but your opponent may require you to replay your stroke provided he does so immediately.
In stroke play you incur the General Penalty (two penalty strokes), the stroke itself does not count and you must play a ball from within the correct area.
Playing the Ball 1
If you think a ball is yours but cannot see your identification mark, you may mark the position of the ball and lift it to identify it.
When lifted under this Rule, your ball must be marked. Do not use a loose impediment to mark the ball. If you do, you incur a 1-stroke penalty. The ball may not be cleaned except to the extent necessary to identify it.
Playing the Ball 2
Play the ball as it lies. Don’t improve your lie, the area of your intended stance or swing, or your line of play by:
Moving, bending or breaking anything fixed or growing, except in fairly taking your stance or making your swing.
Pressing anything down, including your club behind or in front of your ball. You may lightly rest your club behind or in front of your ball.
If your ball is in a divot hole, there is no free relief. The ball must be played as it lies or declared unplayable.
On The Putting Green
On the putting green, you may:
Mark, lift and clean your ball (always replace it on the same spot).
Repair all damage except that caused naturally or by routine maintenance to the putting green e.g. aeration holes.
Leave the Flagstick in the hole. Your decision to have the Flagstick left in the hole must be made before you make your stroke.
You may also have the flagstick removed or attended when the ball lies on or off the putting green. Your decision to have the Flagstick removed or attended must be made before you make your stroke.
If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to jakartadogs@gmail.com and our Rules Guys, Rudie Basson and Jens Roestel will answer on our website.
Player Safety
To ensure everyone's safety, players are reminded to follow the protocols set by Jakarta's COVID-19 Response Team:
Wear a mask properly wherever you go
Wash your hands with soap and running water regularly
Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters
Lastly, we certainly enjoy when you come out to play with us, but if you are ill it is best to stay home and rest.
There is now a new version of the mygolf2u app; please download from the Play Store or Apple Store.
The new version now includes the Eclectic Leaderboards.
Please remember to log your scores into the App before heading to the showers after your round.
In order to ensure we have the most accurate handicap players should log their outside D.O.G.S. rounds into mygolf2u. This video shows how to create a round in the app.
If you prefer to enter your scores at home the web portal found at m.mygolf2u.com is quite helpful. You can use it on your PC.
Should you need assistance please contact Rod Williams and he will be happy to help.
D.O.G.S. and Tee Set Weekend
Team Captain Doug McQuater reports that almost all slots are taken for the competition against Tee Set. If you want to represent us please let Doug know ASAP so he can get you down as an alternate.
See our dedicated page for details on the weekend.
President's Challenge
1 result last week.
Tribhuvan Singh beat Doug McQuater 2 and 1
Challengers are on the lower rung and should initiate the request to play. Check out the board to see who you are playing against and get your match scheduled.
While everyone is supposed to be submitting their scores via mygolf2u. It is still a requirement to submit a proper scorecard. The scorecard is your official record of play. In cases where there are discrepancies between what is in mygolf2u and what is on the scorecard the score on the scorecard will be considered correct.
Upon completion of your round the D.O.G.S. kindly request all players to:
Total up strokes, putts and Stableford points.
Ensue tee boxes played is marked.
Ensure scorecards are signed by both scorer and player.
Scorecards should then be signed and submitted before going to showers.
Incorrectly filled in cards may be rejected at the committee's discretion.
D.O.G.S. Local Rule for Rancamaya
Rancamaya has identified internal out of bounds on several holes by white stakes (as per local rules).
In order to speed up play the D.O.G.S. Committee has decided to implement a D.O.G.S. local rule only applicable for play during our Rancamaya 2021 tournament.
As per the Rules of Golf (rule 18) if a ball is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds the player must take stroke and distance relief.
Alternatively, for a two-stroke penalty, the player may take relief by dropping a ball on the fairway that is nearest to the point where the ball crossed the edge of course boundary to go out of bounds but not nearer to the hole. This option may not be used if a ball is known or virtually certain to come to rest in a penalty area.
Once a player has moved forward their only relief option is as provided by this local rule and not stroke and distance relief. If a provisional ball was played the player must proceed with provisional ball.
GoodGameGolf has shirts available that they will put our logo on for us. Price is 399K IDR plus 50K for the logo.
Sizes available are:
Grey: XS, S, M, XL
Green: S, M, XXL
Yellow: XS-XL
purple: S-XL
Sizes are Indonesian so they are smaller than the other shirts we have been getting.
If you would like to order one please send a note to us at jakartadogs@gmail.com
Prepayment required.
The beneficiary of our Rancamaya tournament charity is Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI). Bill Lloyd, long time Dog and D.O.G.S. Sponsor, is a supporter of ASTI and hosts a golf tournament each year of which proceeds are donated to ASTI
Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia is a non-profit organization operating a rescue center in West Java, Indonesia for trafficked animals belonging to Indonesian protected species. We take care of the animals and get them started on a rehabilitation program so that they can eventually be released back to the wild. We are currently taking care of approximately 80 animals, including cats (Sumatran tigers, leopard cats), primates (gibbons, siamangs and monkeys), birds (eagles, parrots, cassowary birds) and reptiles (crocodiles), all victims of poaching and the illegal pet trade confiscated by the West Java Department of Natural Resources Management or handed over to us by private citizens.
WhatsApp Group
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com