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D.O.G.S. Final Round at Riverside Golf Club

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

Another big turnout at Riverside with 35 players showing up for our final round.

Welcome to Sushant Agrawal who found us on Deemples and played his first round with us.

Sushant started off his D.O.G.S. career taking home 2 prizes; Nearest to Pin and Most Exercise. Dave Prosser and Simon Oxley were the other double winners splitting both the Longest Drives and Drive & Pitch. Once again Tim Knight took the Lowest Gross with a 79. Juha Christensen was our Weekly Champion with 43 points.

This being the final week trophies were being handed out. In the Lowest Gross competition Tim Knight easily walked away with the trophy for his second in a row with a 78.8 for his 4 game average.

Lowest Gross Champion Tim Knight

The Second Runner Up was Tim Knight who's single point improvement was not enough to keep him in the lead. Jari Rahtu made a 5 point improvement to jump past Tim and take First Runner UP. On the back of 3 birdies and a total of 8 points improvement Don Duttlinger was the winner of the Big Dog as our Riverside 2019 Eclectic Champion.

Riverside 2019 Eclectic Champion Don Duttlinger

Congratulations to all of the winners! Full results are posted on our Leaderboard page.

Many thanks to Sarah Brown, Kevin Dobson, Craig Edwards, Riverside Golf Club and everyone who helped with the tournament and especially to Mark Johnson for running the final day.

Next week we begin play at our annual Ramadan venue Rancamaya Golf & Country Club. Due to timing of Lebaran this year we only have 4 weeks at the course and therefore will be altering our format.

Week 1: 2 Person Scramble.

Players A and B partner with one another and both tee off.

Once they have hit they determine which ball they will play next.

Play continues in this manner until ball is holed.

Each player must have at least 6 drives used.

Okay to make up your own team but sum of players handicaps must be 20 or greater. There will also be a draw for teams at the course.

Team handicap will be 50% of sum.

Week 2: Potluck Pairings with Stableford competition.

Week 3: D.O.G.S. vs Tee Set match with Stableford competition run alongside.

Week 4: Red vs Blue Team competition. Teams will be drawn randomly on day of play and proceed to have a fun match play competition.

Grab a friend and sign up to play in our game.

Where:  Rancamaya Golf & Country Club

When:  Saturday, May 11, 2019

Tee Off:  11:30

Green Fee + Golf Cart:  670.000 IDR/person

Golfers are requested to be at the course one hour early to allow for arranging of groups and take advantage of an early start should the course allow.

Please let us know you are playing by noon Friday, May 10. Players are encouraged to sign up using Deemples app, our website, or via email to




Dog gets his jacket

During some spring cleaning we found Gary Jaeger's Blue Jacket for his win at Riverside in 2012. James Farmer was in town recently joining us for a game and he graciously agreed to carry back the jacket to Gary. James rounded up some other Dogs who have relocated to Houston to help award Gary his jacket. Pictured below are James Farmer, Gary, Frank Musgrove and Michael Hui. Thanks guys for getting the jacket to its rightful owner and making it a memorable presentation. Second picture is Frank posing along with his Big Dog.

Offer from F45 Kemang Gym

Fellow Dog Zenon Winters is opening a new gym in Kemang and has a special offer for the D.O.G.S. Check it out here.

D.O.G.S. Vs Tee Set

Rooms are filling up quickly so if you haven't booked your room for the D.O.G.S. versus Tee Set weekend at Rancamaya you should do so soon.

For those who have booked please let Mark know if you are bringing a guest.

Drop us a note or let D.O.G.S. Captain Mark Johnson know if you would like to represent the D.O.G.S.

Upcoming Tournaments

Don't forget to check out the Upcoming Golf Tournaments page as there are always games being added.

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