Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
We’re coming back, slowly but surely.
Six players registered for Saturday’s comeback game at Rainbow Hills so only 2 flights. One flight played the Mountain and Stone courses and the other Mountain and Forest (they turned the wrong way after coming of the 9th green of the Mountain course). No matter, the course was quiet and in excellent condition.

After checking in with either the Penduli Lindungi app or showing your vaccination certificate and registering at the Pro Shop as usual, where they had a record of prepayment, the starters were very welcoming to see the D.O.G.S. coming back.
A big welcome back to Vincent Cousins after several years away from D.O.G.S. and good to see Cedric Lee back again.
The club house was ‘open’ in that you could order food and drink, although the food was for takeaway. No locker room facilities but the atmosphere was warm and friendly with all the health protocols in place.
As the course was quiet we started on time and were all finished in good time. We even sat and had a few beers in the club house before heading off home.
Due to current restrictions we are not running an Eclectic tournament; we will host fun rounds which allow for D.O.G.S. to get together on the course with a look to having Stableford games for the Little Dog when reduced restrictions allow.
Grab a friend and sign up to play.
Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club
When: Saturday, September 4, 2021
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 820.000 IDR/person
If you would like to play in a particular group please let us know, otherwise we will put you in a group. Registration and prepayment must be done by Thursday afternoon. We will release the groupings Friday
To register:
Green fee payment should be made to:
Rainbow Hills Golf Club
Bank BCA Cab. CBD-Pluit
A/C 806-011-7374
A/N PT. Light Instrumenindo.
Note : name and write DOGS
Send proof of payment to Events Rainbow Hills Golf at +62 811-1100-199
Restrictions from Rainbow Hills (translations are not literal):
Golfer & Driver (Jika ada) wajib untuk mempunyai aplikasi PEDULI LINDUNGI - Golfer & Driver must have Penduli Lindungi app.
Wajib VAKSIN - Vaccine mandatory
Jika belum VAKSIN WAJIB melakukan PCR Test di aplikasi PEDULI LINDUNGI - If you don't have vaccine you must have a current PCR test logged in Penduli Lindungi app.
Wajib Scan QR Code PEDULI LINDUNGI sebelum memasuki area CLUB HOUSE - Scan QR code in Penduli Lindungi before entering Clubhouse
Hasil Scan QR Code PEDULI LINDUNGI: Hijau & Kuning di perbolehkan masuk. Merah Tidak di perboleh kan masuk - As per Penduli Lindungi results, Green & Yellow may enter. Red may not.
Wajib Mengisi Form Self- Assement dan di tanda tangani pada saat registrasi - Must fill out the Self-Assessment Form and sign it at the time of registration
Semua Fasilitas Club House di Tutup sementara - All Club House Facilities are Temporarily Closed
Selesai Golf dilarang ada kerumunan / kumpul2, di wajib kan langsung meninggalkan area CLUB HOUSE - After golf, there are no crowds / gatherings, you are required to immediately leave the CLUB HOUSE area
Wajib Mengikuti 6M standart PROKES COVID-19 - Must follow the 6M standard PROKES COVID-19
Selamat berolah raga semoga sehat selalu dan di berkahi Tuhan YME - Have a good game.
As PPKM restrictions started before our final round at Pangkalan Jati the tournament was not completed. We had hoped to possibly get back for the round after restrictions end but with them continuing we have decided to call the tournament with the current standings being the final standings. With that we would like to congratulate Tribhuvan "TPS" Singh as our Pangkalan Jati Eclectic Champion for 2021! Runner up was Fernando Gaggino and 3rd place went to Shlok Rajeev. Gary Danskin was our Lowest Gross Champion.
Check out full results on our Leaderboard.
We are proud to announce that 4,140,000 IDR was collected in our charity bucket over the course of the tournament. We have subsidized from our game fees to bring the total up to 5,000,000 IDR which has been handed over to Yayasan HOG Indonesian Chapter (YHOG). Well done everyone!
September is almost here and with it comes the annual Asian Tigers Golf Tournament. This is a challenging tournament with a unique format that always has good attendance by D.O.G.S. Check out the details on our Upcoming Golf Tournaments page and get registered.
See you at the course,
The Rules and what it means when we play.
Courtesy of fellow Dog,
Jens Roestel,
R&A First Grade Umpire.
Today we provide a short reminder about the new rules and some comments on them
Search time reduced from 5 mins to 3 mins
Who looks at the watch; when we start the search or even is wearing one. Please do not overdo and block the next flight; if you ask the next flight to play through you might find some more time for searching.
Ball moved during search
replace, no penalty
Embedded ball
Free relief anywhere through the course
Embedded means also only one mm embedded. Mark, pick up and clean, place close to the original position as possible.
Measuring a drop
Use longest club (except putter)
Take drops from knee height rather than shoulder height
Ball unintentionally hits player or equipment
No penalty. Also applies to your own equipment
Double hit
No penalty. Only counts as one stroke, if you do not hit double intentionally
Touching sand in bunker incidentally is permitted
Loose impediments can be removed anywhere including hazards
Taking a dropping out of bunker.
Two penalty strokes, drop not closer to the hole
Water hazards are now called "penalty areas" and there is no penalty for touching the ground intentionally in a penalty area.
"Local rule" (this is down to club or tournament committees to decide) allows golfers to drop in the area of where a ball is lost or out of bounds under a two-stroke penalty
Ball moves on green after being marked
Replace without penalty.
Ball moves before being marked – play it as it lies
Ball accidentally moves on putting green
Replace no penalty
All damage to green can now be repaired.
Only damage. A bad closed old hole is not damage
Positioning a club for alignment is not permitted
Caddie assisting with alignment is not permitted, for any shot
Before taking a stance, the caddie can discuss the alignment with the player and can place the ball for the putt.
Putting with flagstick in hole is now permitted
Ball wedged against flagstick and side of hole is now deemed as holed, if any part of the ball is below the level around the hole
Caddie can stand behind player at any time, except during putting, as long as the caddie does not offer any help.
If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to jakartadogs@gmail.com and our Rules Guy Jens Roestel will answer on our website.
Player Safety
To ensure everyone's safety, players are reminded to follow the protocols set by Jakarta's COVID-19 Response Team:
Wear a mask properly wherever you go
Wash your hands with soap and running water regularly
Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters
Lastly, we certainly enjoy when you come out to play with us, but if you are ill, it is best to stay home and rest.
President's Challenge
Due to the shut down of courses in July and August we have revised the schedule. We are down to the last 15 players. Please check the bracket and get your game scheduled.
Matches can be played anywhere at anytime as long as both players agree. Challengers are on the lower rung and should initiate the request to play. Check out the board to see who you are playing against.
If you need some help scheduling please ask anyone from the Committee and we'll be glad to assist.
Due to the current restrictions at courses Interleague is not able to schedule events. As a result the season has been canceled.
Not the result we would have wished for as D.O.G.S. were tied for first. However, we are certain they will be able to continue their success next year. Well done to Captain Gary Danskin and his team.
WhatsApp Group
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com