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D.O.G.S. Second Round at Rancamaya Golf Club

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

Another great day at Rancamaya this week with a fantastic 60 players making the “no traffic” journey down the Jagorawi Toll. The weather also was kind as we were greeted with another spectacular view of Gunung Salak and although there were some rumblings of thunder during the afternoon things stayed dry pretty much. Our usual semi shotgun got is off on time and, with a steady pace of play, everyone was finished and back in the club house in very good time; a big thanks to everyone for getting to the club in good time. Due to a Rancamaya member's Buka Puasa in the usual 19th hole restaurant, our Apres Golf was upstairs in the Waterfall Bar area which made a nice change; that will be the venue for the BBQ dinner on the 23rd April, by the way!

Good, as always, to see some old and new faces joining us this week including Jari Rahtu, Juha Christensen, Mick Mongold, Chris Cromarty, Dennis Muldowney, Derek Tully, George Baptiste, Jim Korbilas, Joachim Overberg and Laurent Bessieres. Hope to see more of you all in the future.

So, down to the day’s play: back to the multiple winners with Jeremy Oberoi keeping them long and straight taking both Longest Drive prizes and Rey “ass kicker” Moore was at it again taking both Drive & Pitch honours. For the Nearest the Pin, we also had a multiple winner, the French, with Eric Mary and Laurent Bessieres taking the honours; Vive La France!!

Chris Lever definitely got the better of the greens becoming this week’s Putting Champion with an impressive low count. Unfortunately Honey Muang also had a low count taking this week’s Booby Prize and Detlef Blumke got plenty of exercise before heading back to India for a while.

Alex MacGregor must have thought he’d got the top prize with a great round but he had to settle for Runner Up this week as “Hey” Jude Alexander (you must be really tired of hearing that!) had a great round taking both the Lowest Gross and the Little Dog becoming this week’s Champion. Congrats Jude as to all our winners.

Special thanks to Johannes Spies and Islands of Imagination Brewery for providing the beer given out as prizes yesterday. Check them out on Instagram.

Congratulations to all of this week's winners!

With 2 of our shortened Eclectic Series completed and only 2 more rounds to go Jude has slightly increased his lead, but there’s still plenty of golf left in this. Check out the full standings can be seen through the links on our Leaderboard page or in the mygolf2u app.

The Lowest Gross average will be taken over 3 rounds rather than our usual 4.

Next week is a normal round in the series and the following week is the big weekend. Just to remind everyone to sign up for any or all of the games. The JAWS game on the 22nd, the 2 man charity scramble on the 23rd and our final Eclectic round and match against TeeSet on the 24th. All are available on mygolf2u for registration. We also need to know your 2 man scramble pairs please and the number for the BBQ, spouses and guests are most welcome and encouraged to attend. please let us know either through the WA group of by email to

So, as we say, get up off the couch and grab a friend and sign up. As always, please let Rod know your group preferences as soon as possible.

  • Where: Rancamaya Golf Club

  • When: Saturday, April 16, 2022

  • Tee Off: 12:00

  • Green Fee + Golf Cart: 950.000 IDR/person cart sharing

To register:

Rod & jb


The Rules and what it means when we play.

Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel, R&A First Grade Umpire.

A player's ball lies just off the putting green and sand lies on the putting green between the ball and the hole. What is the ruling?

A - The player must not remove the sand

B - The player may only remove the sand by picking it up or brushing it aside

with his hand or a club

C - The sand may be removed by any means

Answer: C

Explanation: Sand and loose soil on the putting green may be removed without


In match play, a player moves a leaf lying close to his ball in a penalty area and in doing so causes his ball to move. What is the ruling?

A - There is no penalty and the player must replace the ball

B - The player gets one penalty stroke and must replace the ball

C - The player loses the hole

Answer: B

Explanation: If the removal of a loose impediment causes the ball to move, the ball must be replaced on its original spot. As the moved ball was not on the putting green or in the teeing area, he gets one penalty stroke.

A player plays her second shot from the fairway, searches for her ball briefly and then goes back and drops another ball under penalty of stroke and distance. Her original ball is then found within three minutes of when she originally starting

searching for it, and before she played the dropped ball. What is the ruling?

A - The player must continue with the original ball

B - The player must continue with the dropped ball

C - The player may choose whether to continue with the original ball or the

dropped ball

Answer: B

Explanation: Once the player put another ball in play under penalty of stroke and distance, the original ball is no longer in play and must not be played.

If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to and our Rules Guy Jens Roestel will answer on our website.




Our charity barrel is being passed around after each round. Our target is 1 donation per player per tournament. Please look for it after the game.

This week we will be visiting Yayasan YPAI – Indriya, the recipient of the Pondok Cabe tournament donations, to deliver 3 computers from by Srinivas Murthy and the donations. If you would like to come along please contact us and let us know.

WhatsApp Group

We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to

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