Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
Despite the new restrictions (or perhaps because of) there was no shortage of players for our penultimate round at PJ. 45 players came out to test their skills against a course that is not the pushover many thought it would be. We were able to head out to the tees about 15 minutes ahead of schedule and everyone was away with the siren signalling to start. Play moved around the course like a slinky with the groups stretching out then catching back up to the players in front before stretching out again. Despite having to wait a few times everyone was in just over the 4 hour mark. With over 80% of players inputting their scores to myGolf2u the results were quickly compiled and prizes were able to be awarded as players returned from the showers.
Welcome to Okkie Nikijuluw and Kolonel Mur who enjoyed their first D.O.G.S. experience. Thanks for coming out and be sure to come back soon!
New guy Koko Nay Htut grabbed his first D.O.G.S. prize with a Nearest to Pin, Matt Timbrell announced he was back winning a Longest Drive and Ralph Duckworth made sure to give the course a good inspection on his way to winning Most Exercise.
Our weekly Champion was Gaurav Shirke with 43 Stableford points.
Congratulations to all of our weekly winners!
Check out full results on our Leaderboard.
Going into the final round Tribhuvan "TPS" Singh remains at the top by less than a stroke over Fernando Gaggino. Gaurav Shirke has managed to close the gap between himself and Fernando in their private grudge match and is poised to leap into the lead himself. The final round should be quite interesting.
Come join us for our final round of this tournament. Grab a friend and sign up to play.
Where: Padang Golf Pangkalan Jati
When: Saturday, July 3, 2021
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 699.000 IDR/person
We will continue with last week's arrangements. Arrive ready to play no later than 11:30. Scores should be entered into myGolf2u and scorecards turned in prior to heading to showers. This worked very well last week and with your help the results were quickly compiled.
To register:
Via our website
Email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
Sign up in mygolf2u
If you are going to be late or decide not to play, let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
See you at the course,
The Rules and what it means when we play.
Courtesy of fellow Dog,
Jens Roestel,
R&A First Grade Umpire.
Green check
Is it allowed to check the green with the palm of your hand behind the ball to see whether it is wet or not?
Yes this allowed. It is not allowed to check the green on the putting line, to roll a ball to check the speed of the green or to scratch the surface of the green to check it.
Line of putt
Is the line of put the straight line between hole and ball and then further back or is it the intended line of putt and further back?
The line of putt is the intended putting line, not automatically the straight line to the hole if the intention is not to play a straight putt to the hole.
Ball on a grass area within a bunker
If the player thinks the ball on the grass area within a bunker is unplayable, may the player drop the ball in the bunker?
No. The grass part of a bunker does not belong to the bunker, so it can be dropped behind the bunker.
Putting into position to help playing partner
A player purposely plays his putt away from the hole to place it behind the ball of
his partner in order to help him read his putting line. Is this allowed?
No it is not. This is against the spirit of golf. In a matchplay the two players will lose the hole, in stroke play each of them receives a 2 stroke penalty.
If you have any questions about rules please drop us a note to jakartadogs@gmail.com and our Rules Guy Jens Roestel will answer on our website.
Player Safety
To ensure everyone's safety, players are reminded to follow the protocols set by Jakarta's COVID-19 Response Team:
Wear a mask properly wherever you go
Wash your hands with soap and running water regularly
Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters
Lastly, we certainly enjoy when you come out to play with us, but if you are ill, it is best to stay home and rest.
President's Challenge
Round 2 is underway, get your matches scheduled.
Jari Antikainen forfeits to Indar Dhaliwal due to personal schedule.
Challengers are on the lower rung and should initiate the request to play. Check out the board to see who you are playing against.
Over 80% participation last week; this makes a huge difference to getting the results out! Thank you everyone. Let's keep it going.
To ensure we have accurate handicaps all non-D.O.G.S. rounds should also be entered into mygolf2u. The web portal found at m.mygolf2u.com is quite helpful for entering rounds as it can be done on your PC at home.
Should you need assistance please contact Rod Williams and he will be happy to help.
Charity Donations
Our Padang Golf Pangkalan Jati tournament collections will be for the benefit of Yayasan HOG Indonesian Chapter (YHOG) commonly known as the HOGs, a group of expatriates living in Indonesia which raises money for children that cannot afford cleft palate surgeries.
The D.O.G.S. and YHOG have a long history together with many YHOG members also being D.O.G.S. regulars. The D.O.G.S. have been been proudly supporting YHOG since 2014 with regular donations.
WhatsApp Group
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com