Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!
So to our second round at Rancamaya with 49 players making the quick trip down the toll. The course was quiet and the weather good all day resulting in us having an early start on a dry course.
It was also Old Dog Allan Coll's last round with us as he heads off back home to Scotland - hope you're back soon Allan, it's been great to see you after so long.
We had some newcomers this week: Lena Fager - Anna Eriksson's sister visiting us, and Anthony Robertson. A few faces we haven't seen for a while: James Ross, Bastian Armbruster, Anirudh Katre, Lukas Musial, Shivashish Pandey and Sushant Agrawal - please don't leave it so long before the next time!
So, with the good weather and earlier start, everyone was finished in good time to enjoy the views and food & drink back in the club house.
So, to the play: You could tell the French Revolution was back after being away last week as he took one of the Drive & Pitch, Putting Champion, Lowest Gross and Runner Up prizes this week - well done Monsieur Verdenal - Bravo! Please give the rest of us a chance next week! The other Drive & Pitch prize went to Reysia Moore. Alberto Gonzales and Laurie O'Connor took the Nearest to the Pin prizes, just showing you can't keep an old dog down! For the second week running Channe Gabrielle took one of the Longest Drive prizes with Anirudh taking the other.
It was good to see Bastian Armbruster back and to see there was absolutely no change in his game since the last time taking the Booby honours. Allan Coll made sure he didn't go back home empty handed winning the Most Exercise Trophy.
This week, we decided to award the little cricket bat to Anthony Robertson who managed an impressive 17 on the par 4 ninth hole - that has to be a record!
Laurie O'Connor turned in the best round of the day winning the Little Dog and becoming this week's Champion - we'll present the trophy next week Laurie.
A big congratulations to all our winners this week!
Our President showing off his pitching skills. Observant players will recognize the location as the drop zone on 18.
So, now with 2 rounds complete in the race for the Blue Jacket, things are just starting to take shape at the top with Daniel Park leading the way. But, there's a very long way to go, so far to early to see how this will pan out. Full results after the second round can be seen on the Leaderboard page or in the myGolf2u app as usual.
It is with sadness we say farewell to Josef Fuchs who passed away Saturday afternoon. Although we haven't seen him for quite some time, Josef played with the D.O.G.S. in the early years. Josef's lasting legacy is the ISCO Foundation he founded which has helped thousands of children from the poorest backgrounds to receive a good education and a better future. The D.O.G.S. have been, and will continue to be, supporters of ISCO through donations from our charity barrel.
Special Announcement - The Royale Krakatau Challenge
The D.O.G.S. has a weekend free in its schedule this year coming up on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd of June. We have organized a weekend special at the Royale Krakatau Golf & Country Club near Cilegon. This will be a 2 day event based on stroke play where your Saturday round 1 will carry over to the Sunday round 2. The full details are given by following the Royale Krakatau Challenge link here. You can register either through the Website or myGolf2u.
So, next week is round 3, grab a friend and please sign up early to avoid disappointment and don't forget to let Rod know your preferred playing partners. Please also make sure you have confirmed that your preferred playing partners are their preferred playing partners!
Where: Rancamaya Golf & Country Club
When: Saturday, 13 April 2024
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee: 1.000.000 IDR. Includes cart and caddie fee
To register:
See you all on the course.
Rod & jb
Rules Information
This year the D.O.G.S. have implemented Model Local Rule E-5 for balls hit OB and lost balls for all tournaments. This is an alternative to stroke-and-distance relief where a player may take a drop in the fairway nearest to where their ball went OB. The diagrams below show how to determine where to drop.
More information can be found in this article.
Rancamaya Charity
Donations collected during our Rancamaya tournament will be donated to Asian Tigers to support their efforts in Sumatran tiger preservation.
If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
WhatsApp Groups
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com