Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
The D.O.G.S. clearly enjoy playing this course as evidenced by the 52 players coming out for a hit. With the course being less crowded than previous weeks we were allowed to start teeing off well ahead of schedule. Once again the weather was on our side with cool skies and no rain allowing everyone to enjoy a great day of golf.
Welcome to Imelda Legita who played her first D.O.G.S. round. Thank you for coming out we hope to see you back again.
Following the round Sarah Brown produced a bottle of wine to toast Pirena Tioanda and Juju Juhaeriah who both were celebrating their birthdays and for Mahmood Al-Bayati who had his the day before.
Prior to our awards Gary Danskin made the draw for his raffle of golf vouchers for Bali National. The lucky winner was Graham McBain. As advertised 50% of the proceeds were donated to the D.O.G.S. charity bucket. A big THANK YOU to Gary for the donation of 2.3M IDR.
Moving onto the golf prizes; Juju Juhaeriah and Axel Hertzke won the Nearest to Pins while Craig Edwards and Ito Keisuke each grabbed a Drive & Pitch.
Once again the men were shut out of the Longest Drive as Sarah Brown and Risa Tirtayasa each took one. Risa also won Most Exercise.
Andy Abram and Dave Keddington had to leave early and thus missed picking up their prizes; Andy the Booby Prize and Dave Putting Champion
Lowest Gross for the day went to Andy Coop for his 75. For those paying attention that's 3 straight weeks with the Lowest Gross in the 70's and from 3 different players.

After some recent struggles Jari Antikainen found some of his old game and put up 43 Stableford points, sadly only enough for Runner Up.
Congratulations to Andy Coop whose 45 points made him our Weekly Champion.
Congratulations to all of our winners! As always full results are posted on our Leaderboard.
Three rounds are gone and the competition is very tight for the Big Dog. The course is in great shape and the greens get better each week. Come out and join us for a round.
Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club
When: Saturday, October 24, 2020
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 780.000 IDR/person
As we need time to arrange groups and be prepared for the possibility of an early start we request players are at the course 1 hour early.
If you would like to join us for a round there are several ways to register:
Via our website
Email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
Sign up in mygolf2u
Deemples App
If you are going to be late or decide not to play let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
See you at the course,
This week's discussion is about penalty areas courtesy of our rules guru Mark Johnson.
Red stakes and Yellow staked areas are now known as penalty areas. If your ball goes into a penalty you always have the option of playing it as it from the penalty area but if you are not able to here are your options.
If your ball goes into a red staked penalty area you have 3 options.

Stroke and distance. Take a 1 stroke penalty and play the ball from where you hit your last shot.
Back on the line relief. Take a 1 stroke penalty and, from the point where your ball entered the penalty area, go back as far as you wish while maintaining a straight line to the hole go back as far as you wish.
Lateral Relief. From where your ball crossed into the penalty area you may drop within 2 club lengths but no closer to the hole.
Should your ball go over a penalty area then roll, bounce or by some other method go back in, you may only drop on the other side if it is within 2 club lengths of where it entered and no closer to the hole.
Yellow staked Penalty areas offer 2 options.

Stroke and distance. Take a 1 stroke penalty and play the ball from where you hit your last shot.
Back on the line relief. Take a 1 stroke penalty and, from the point where your ball entered the penalty area, go back as far as you wish while maintaining a straight line to the hole go back as far as you wish.
Should you decide to play your ball from inside the penalty area it is worth knowing that you are allowed to move any loose impediments and movable obstructions. Loose impediments are unattached natural objects such as sticks, leaves, twigs, and blades of grass so long as they are not fixed or growing, solidly embedded in the ground, or sticking to the ball. Movable obstructions are artificial objects that can be moved with reasonable effort such as a water bottle, scorecard, broken tee, trash can, bench, etc. You may also ground your club and take practice shots as long as they do not improve your lie.
While caddies may be consulted on the rules it is the players responsibility to make sure rules are applied correctly. If a local rule is referred to it must be written on the official course scorecard. If it's not there then it does not apply.
Should you have further questions on the above Mark has graciously offered to be consulted.
Covid-19 Player Safety
Playing is the sole decision of each player. There is adequate information available publicly on Covid-19 to allow each person to form their own judgement on playing and what steps should be taken to protect oneself and playing partners.
Your scorecard is your official record of your round. For your scores to count the scorecard must be filled out completely and correctly.
Items of note are:
Write legibly
Scores written down and totaled up
Tee boxes played checked
Players name and handicap listed
Date played written down
Signature of both player and scorer (players should not be marking their own scores)
The above also applies to scorecards from non-D.O.G.S. rounds that are submitted for your handicap to teesetcards@gmail.com
Participation is increasing but we still have a ways to go.
Please make sure you are signed up for the app which can be done their website.
Before turning in your scorecard at the end of the round make sure your scores are entered.
You can also use mygolf2u for non-D.O.G.S. games and it will help to build your handicap.
