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D.O.G.S. Penultimate Round at Matoa Nasional Golf Course

Writer's picture: Djakarta Old Golf SocietyDjakarta Old Golf Society

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

37 players handed in scorecards on the day where we saw the inaugural D.O.G.S. vs Tee Set vs POCKSIA vs SMoGs match. With POCKSIA running their own tournament concurrently we had a total of 56 players on the course. The first 8 flights had members from each society playing against each other. Fortunately the starter had us going off on Hole 1 and 10 promptly at 11am and all 15 flights were on the course by midday. The weather was very kind to us which helped smooth play with all groups finished well before darkness.

For the D.O.G.S. penultimate round we welcomed newcomers Avnish Patankar, Shyam Datye and Shashat Pandey. Great to see you guys and look forward to you becoming regulars.

The match honours went to TeeSet with D.O.G.S. finishing 3rd Runner Up; we shouldn't be too disappointed though as all Tee Set team members are D.O.G.S. regulars!!! The match details are below.

It was great to have the 4 societies together and many thanks to the Team Captains for all their organizing; D.O.G.S. Dougie McQuater, Tee Set Roger Finnie, POCKSIA Noel Morrow and SMoGs John Slack.

Big thanks also to all those who contributed to our Charity Barrel; funds will go to ISCO following next week’s final round.

Craig Edwards had the pleasure of playing with the ladies; looks like everyone enjoyed the company.

Leon Bivolaru clearly loves the Drive & Pitch taking both honours this week and Gaurav Shirke clearly missed all the greens with his 24 putts making him this week’s Putting Champion. Vinay Mathur can feel a bit hard done by winning the Booby Prize with a whopping 27 points and Kevin Dobson took the Most Exercise. Gary Danskin pretty much secured the Lowest Gross for this eclectic with another 75 off the stick. This week’s Runner Up was Avnish Patankar with 39 points and our Laurie O’Connor proves that consistent ball striking will earn you the title of Weekly Champion with 40 points; we haven’t seen that many points since our first round at Matoa. Thanks once again also to Lily Bristow for her wonderful snacks.

Congratulations to all of our winners! As always full results can be viewed on our Leaderboard.

Before our current 100K game fee the D.O.G.S used to collect fines during each round to fund the prize kitty. This was part of the fun and some players would make a real effort to pile up the fines on their unfortunate playing partners. For various reasons we have moved on from the fines; however, we thought it would be fun to revisit for our final round of the year. For those who aren't familiar with the fines below is the list which will be in play next week. Please bring small money as we will be rounding up to the nearest 100K if change is required when submitting your card.

The eclectic is typically tight at the top. Can Gary get more birdies? Can Gaurav get rid of that double bogie? Can Dave Keddington or James Bristow clear their remaining bogies, or will someone come from behind and take the glory as we have seen before. The best way to find out is to join the fun next week for our final round and End of Year Party.

Last chance to play D.O.G.S. for 2020. Don't miss out! Get up off the couch grab a friend and come on out and join us.

  • Where: Matoa Nasional Golf Course

  • When: Saturday, December 19, 2020

  • Tee Off: 11:32

  • Green Fee + Golf Cart: 650.000 IDR/person

As we need time to arrange groups and be prepared for the possibility of an early start we request players are at the course 1 hour early.

There are several ways to register:

If you are going to be late or decide not to play, let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.

Following the round we will be holding our End of Year Party; please register early and let us know if you plan to bring your significant other so we have an idea of numbers as soon as possible. Lots of fun and prizes to look forward to as well as the presentation of the Matoa Eclectic Champion and Top Dog of the Year.

See you at the course,

Rod & jb



Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel, R&A First Grade Umpire.

New Rules and what it means when we play.


In match play, an opponent plays his ball from the rough. His ball hits my ball, at rest on the fairway, sending my ball into the rough 20 meters away.

From where do I play my ball?


Rule 9.6 Ball Lifted or Moved by Outside Influence

If it is known or virtually certain that an outside influence (including another player in stroke play or another ball) lifted or moved a player’s ball:

There is no penalty, and the ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated)

So the answer is; you replace your ball back on the fairway, and the opponent plays from where his ball finished after it hit your ball.


Covid-19 Player Safety

Playing is the sole decision of each player. There is adequate information available on Covid-19 to allow each person to form their own judgement on playing and what steps should be taken to protect oneself and playing partners.


Our website has lots of information about the D.O.G.S. Take some time to look around. You never know when you may need to know some history of the D.O.G.S.

Golf Tips

Players are always looking for a tip to help them with their game. Here are a couple from Guarav Shirke.

Christmas Dinner from MO

Looking for a nice turkey dinner at home, but not all the fuss that goes along with it? Relax, the Mandarin Oriental can take care of everything for you. Check out their Christmas at Home package in our Classifieds.


Thank you to everyone who is now using mygolf2u. We are seeing continued increase in usage each week.

As we will be moving to this platform, and away from our current system in 2021, players are encouraged to use mygolf2u each time they play a round outside of D.O.G.S. This will ensure a player has their most accurate handicap. We do not have the ability to enter scores outside our rounds on behalf of players.

If you are having trouble with the app you can also use their web portal found at

Should you have any questions or need assistance please see Rod Williams our mygolf2u liaison.


Please look for our charity barrel after the round. Matoa tournament beneficiary will be Indonesian Street Children Organisation more commonly known as ISCO. Founded by Josef Fuchs, who played D.O.G.S. regularly in the early days, ISCO has been in existence for over 20 years helping to provide education for street children in Indonesia. Some success stories:

  • ISCO is active in bringing education to over 2,500 disadvantaged children in Indonesia.

  • ISCO guarantees a job for every sponsored child, who reaches graduation at senior high school.

  • This year, we have already found more than 100 jobs for them, also thanks to you, who frequently attend this popular and very inclusive weekly social gathering.

  • 42 are presently studying in different universities.

  • In total, already more than 6,000 children went through our education programs.

  • See more about ISCO at

Jens Roestel arranges the ISCO Monthly Golf Charity Tournament which many of us play in. Jochen Overberg and Axel Hertzke hosted the last 2 German Open Cups which benefit ISCO as defending champions.

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