Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
A very packed course greeted the D.O.G.S. upon arrival at the venue. Despite this players were in good humour waiting for our tee time in the outdoor restaurant area. At 12:00 players began heading off to the Stone Hills and Forest tee boxes. Players on the Stone Hills got underway without delay but the Forest guys had to wait a little bit. While the pace of play wasn't the fastest we've seen we were able to move continuously around the course with only minor waiting periods. A late afternoon shower had everyone worried whether they would finish or not. Once the rain ended we were back at play and all 46 players got in just ahead of darkness.
Welcome to Rianto "Ian" Zubir and Ashadi Waclik who both joined us for their first D.O.G.S. round. Thank you for coming out gents and don't be strangers.
We received an unconfirmed report of one of our players throwing a club with enough force to break it. We have previously made our position on this clear, which can be found here, this is not acceptable. As no one has stepped forward confirming this we can hope it is just a rumour. However, if it was done the guilty party knows who they are. Please consider the rest of us and how your actions reflect not only on yourself but also on the rest of the D.O.G.S. We want all members to enjoy their day and for us to be welcome back anywhere we play. Angry club throwing doesn't help this. Tennis is a good way to spend afternoons for players that find golf makes them so angry they have to break equipment.
For the players who kept their golf clubs in their hands good scores were to be had; Tim Knight and Ian Pemberton both carded eagles; Tim on his way to a 74 to go along with the another sub 80 player Gary Danskin who shot 77. Dave Keddington was right there with an 80. Five players got over 40 or more Stableford points. Not bad for such a tough course.
The ladies were showing off their muscles on the course winning both Longest Drives with Sarah Brown taking Forest and Juju Juhaeriah Stone Hills. Juju also was Putting Champion with 25 and had aspirations of hoisting the Little Dog based on her 41 Stableford points. Unfortunately her hopes were dashed as that was only good enough for a tie for 3rd. Tribhuvan "TPS" Singh grabbed both Drive & Pitches, Maria Fongki won Nearest to Pin on Stone Hills while Srinivas Murthy took it on Forest.
Last week we all got to witness one of the most excited winners of the Big Dog ever when Michael Mueller won; this week we all got to watch Michael make the long walk up to collect his Booby Prize 😂. Newcomer Ashadi Waclik was the winner of Most Exercise.
As mentioned Tim Knight had a great round taking the Lowest Gross but his 42 Stableford points were only enough for Runner Up. This week's Champion with 48 points is Octa Abram. Well done Octa!
Congratulations to all of our winners! As always full results are posted on our Leaderboard.
This week was the first time at Rainbow for some of the newer Dogs and they were very complimentary of what a nice course this is. With 1 round in the books we are already counting down the number of games left here. Don't miss your chance to play; come out and join us for a round at this great venue.
Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club
When: Saturday, October 10, 2020
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 780.000 IDR/person
As we need time to arrange groups and be prepared for the possibility of an early start we request players are at the course 1 hour early.
If you would like to join us for a round there are several ways to register:
Via our website
Old fashioned email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
Sign up in mygolf2u
Deemples App
Living in Jakarta we are all used to delays and last minute change of plans; on play day if you are going to be late or decide not to play let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
See you at the course,
In an effort to help everyone understand the rules of golf we are going to add a section on rules and go over 1 rule each week. If there is a rule you would like information on please drop us a note and we'll try to answer here.
You will recall last week before our round we informed everyone that there have been some queries about footprints in bunkers and whether a free drop is allowed with partners consent. This is not allowed by the rules and we do not have a D.O.G.S. rule allowing.
It was suggested this may be allowed under the USGA's "Guidance In Applying Golf's Rules and Posting Scores for Handicap Purposes During the COVID-19 Pandemic". It is not. Unless the course we are playing has enacted a local rule, Dogs play the ball as it lies in the bunker when found in a footprint.
We are now in rainy season and there is a good chance we will implement lift, clean and place rules on days that the committee decides this is warranted. Please note this is on a round by round basis and decided on the day of play only and before the round starts. What are your options should this happen? USGA Model Local Rules are applied which are laid out below courtesy of USGA website.
Purpose. When conditions such as wet ground conditions throughout parts of the course may cause mud to stick to the ball, the Committee can choose to allow the player to lift, clean and replace the ball in the general area. Such relief should be limited to those portions of the course where needed.
While the Local Rule for Preferred Lies (Model Local Rule E-3) is designed for use only in areas cut to fairway height or less in the general area, this Local Rule can be used throughout the general area or restricted to specific areas. The Committee could choose to use both Local Rules permitting preferred lies in the fairways and cleaning the ball elsewhere in the general area.
It is not advisable to implement this Local Rule once play has begun for a stroke-play round. Doing so would allow players who had more holes to play the advantage of using it for a longer period of time. The Local Rule could be implemented once a match has begun between the play of two holes as opponents have an equal benefit.
For guidance on when and how this Local Rule may be used in order for scores to be submitted for handicapping purposes (for example, if it must be limited to fairway only), consult the rules or recommendations contained within the Handicap System operating in the local jurisdiction.
Model Local Rule E-2
“When a player’s ball lies in [identify area, such as the general area, at the 6th hole, in the general area cut to fairway height or less, etc.], the ball may be lifted cleaned and replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot before lifting the ball (see Rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot (see Rule 14.2).
Covid-19 Player Safety
Playing is the sole decision of each player. There is adequate information available publicly on Covid-19 to allow each person to form their own judgement on playing and what steps should be taken to protect oneself and playing partners.
As announced after our final round at Permata Sentul the D.O.G.S. will begin taking a collection for charity at each round we play. At the end of the tournament we will donate the collections to charity.
In an effort to expand our support we will be donating to charities that our members are involved with. If you are involved with a charity and would like them on the list please share some details so we can get them in the rotation.
We will add more information about the charities in the coming weeks so everyone knows where their donations will go.
Hole in 1
Congratulations to Pieter Nielen-Groen who got his first hole in one last week at Pondok Cabe on hole 15. Well done Pieter!

A big thank you to all of you who are inputting your scores. This really helps out. From all the blank space above it can be seen that our participation is still far away from where it needs to be.
If you did fill in your scores but do not see them above you may have forgotten to submit the scores at the end of the round.
If you need help using the app just ask.
