Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,
A very decent sized crowd of 34 players turned up to Rainbow Hills for the first round of our Eclectic Tournament. They were awarded an early start and the last group teed off at 12:00 giving plenty of time for everyone to comfortably finish before darkness.
Welcome to Matthias Coessens who played his first D.O.G.S. round. Looking forward to seeing more of you Matthias.
Arne & Rosie Tjaden who were taking a break from Bangkok graced with a visit. We are very happy you were able to get a round in with us; it's always good to see out of town members.
This week the prizes were spread around evenly with no players taking multiple awards; it is worth noting that both Longest Drives were HUGE with Arne Tjaden taking the award on Mountain Course's 4th hole and Elliot Hawkins on Stone Course number 8. Elliot also scored his first ever Eagle on the Mountain Course 9th hole. Well done!
Andrew Mackin, Fernando Gaggino and Richard Mau all posted respectable 83's, after countback Richard Mau found himself our Lowest Gross winner.
Fernando and Andrew did not go home empty handed; Fernando was able to snatch a Drive & Pitch and Andrew was our Weekly Champion scoring 44 Stableford points.

Congratulations to all of this week's winners!
Get off the couch, grab a friend and join us for our next round.
Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club
When: Saturday, June 22, 2019
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 750.000 IDR/person
Golfers are requested to be at the course one hour early to allow for arranging of groups and take advantage of an early start should the course allow.
Please let us know you are playing by noon Friday, June 21.
Players are encouraged to sign up via our website, from your mobile using using Deemples or via email to jakartadogs@gmail.com.
Dog of the Year
In memoriam of our Founder we will be awarding the Fritz Hainzl Memorial Cup to our Dog of the Year..
Each tournament, points are awarded based on final eclectic standings with 50 points going to 1st place down to 1 for 50th place. The person with the most points at the end of 2019 season will be the winner of this (what will be) coveted prize.
Check out the current standings here and see what you need to do to make yourself our inaugural Dog of the Year!