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D.O.G.S. Fourth Round at Rainbow Hills Golf Club

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

Arriving at the course full fairways were visible and the course was looking splendid. The 42 Dogs who turned up were eager to get on the course and look for those elusive improvements. The starter got everyone loaded up and ushered out to the tee boxes on time and it looked to be another exceptional day of golf at Rainbow Hills.

A special welcome to Samret Raungrit, Supachai Suesomboon and Songpol Saksubcharoen who all played their first rounds with us. Nice to have you join us gents, we hope to see you back soon.

Despite the busy conditions play was able to move around at a steady pace. Things were going well at the turn and it looked like we would easily finish the round before darkness. Around midway through the back nine things changed. Tiny drops of rain appeared and thunder could be heard in the distance. The weather moved in swiftly and the thunder and lighting got very close. Still with no rain, sirens started going. Some caddies insisted it was warnings from Gunung Geulis and play could continue. A quick call to the clubhouse proved this to be false information. Shortly thereafter heavy rains began to fall rendering the discussion moot. Some players headed straight for the clubhouse while others elected to wait things out in various shelters on the course.

Unfortunately the weather never cleared and thus winners had to be decided based on the holes that were played.

The men continue to be shut out on the Longest Drive as Sarah Brown won both this week. Gary Danskin and Tapio Jarvenpää were Nearest to Pin Winners while Ian Pemberton and James Bristow shared the Drive & Pitch awards. Ralph Duckworth came out and picked up the Booby Prize. Octa Abram was Runner Up for the Day and our waterlogged Weekly Champion was James Bristow.

Congratulations to all of our winners! As always full results are posted on our Leaderboard.

Next week our round falls on Halloween so select your golf attire accordingly. Come out and join us for our penultimate round of this tournament.

Where: Rainbow Hills Golf Club

When: Saturday, October 31, 2020

Tee Off: 12:00

Green Fee + Golf Cart: 780.000 IDR/person

As we need time to arrange groups and be prepared for the possibility of an early start we request players are at the course 1 hour early.

If you would like to join us for a round there are several ways to register:

If you are going to be late or decide not to play let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.

See you at the course,




Who's turn is it? Does it matter?

Pace of Play is governed by Rule 5.6 which encourages prompt pace of play by recommending that:

  • Players should recognize that their pace of play affects others and they should play promptly throughout the round (such as by preparing in advance for each stroke and moving promptly between strokes and in going to the next tee),

  • A player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction, and

  • Committees should adopt a Pace of Play Policy (rather than only say they may do so).

In addition, Rule 6.4 expressly allows playing out of turn in match play by agreement, and for stroke play, affirmatively allows and encourages players to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way to save time or for convenience (also known as “ready golf”).



Covid-19 Player Safety

Playing is the sole decision of each player. There is adequate information available publicly on Covid-19 to allow each person to form their own judgement on playing and what steps should be taken to protect oneself and playing partners.

German Open Cup

October 30 is the 29th edition of the German Open. Fellow Dog, and last year's winner, Jochen Overberg is the host assisted in organization by Jens Roestel, another Dog. Proceeds from this tournament will go to ISCO. For more information on registration check out our Upcoming Golf Tournaments page.


As previously mentioned we have begun taking weekly donations for a D.O.G.S. charity fund. At the end of each tournament the funds collected over the 6 weeks will be donated to a charity that is in someway connected to us.

The charity selected to receive Rainbow Hills donations is Tempat Belajar a.k.a Place to Learn (lit.English) and is organized by D.O.G.S. member Riahana "Hanna" Ariestya. This is Hana's description of what they do.

Seeing many Anak Jalanan (street kids) beggin and selling whatever they could to get by, Hanna and 6 of her co-workers (Alvin, Elsi, Monic, Maya, Icin and Lola) decided they wanted to do something and initially set out to try and randomly help several Anak Jalanan.

While aware that due to high poverty rates many of these Anak Jalanan are encouraged to do this by their parents, it is understood that when parents are forced to make a difficult choice between food, health or education for their own children education becomes a last choice.

Hanna and her friends decided they wanted to do something about education as they should have a chance to be able to read and write in their own language. They believe addressing education even from the basic stage is one of the most effective ways to empower these kids to build their future or simply to help their community.

To this end ‘Tempat Belajar’ was created with the goal to help get an education for Anak Jalanan. The children are provided books, stationary and a freelance teacher to help them study.

In the beginning all funds came from their own pockets. Now, more and more Anak Jalanan are taking part and their numbers are growing they have begun looking for donors to help.

The D.O.G.S. are proud to be donors to this great effort.


Everyone's participation is needed for us to get this going.

Please make sure you are signed up for the app which can be done their website.

Before turning in your scorecard at the end of the round make sure your scores are entered.

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