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D.O.G.S. Fourth Round at Sedayu Indo Golf

Writer's picture: Djakarta Old Golf SocietyDjakarta Old Golf Society

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!

So we came to our 4th round at Sedayu in this Eclectic series with 43 players making for yet another great turnout. Despite all the rain we have seen in Jakarta this week the conditions were great with a nice cool breeze coming off the sea. We had the usual shotgun on time and with smooth going everyone finished in good time. Due to another wedding in the afternoon and a big tournament in the morning we were ushered into the Links Whisky & Wine Bar for our Apres Golf - very relaxing!

Some guests this week to makeup our newcomers including: Carlos Halehale, Christian Lee, Dian Sari, James Southward, Maria Kurniwati and Tanya Nielson. Always great to see new faces.

So to the play: quite a few first-time winners this week - great to see. Dean Merrilees with a Nearest to the Pin, Maria Kurniawati with her Longest Drive and Jay Punongbayan with his Drive & Pitch were all first-time winners. Eric Mary, Anirudh Katre and Sarah Brown took the other Nearest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Drive & Pitch honours.

It took a count back to decide Anirudh Katre was this week's Putting Champion but it was clear he was also the winner of this week's Lowest Gross prize. Indar Dhaliwal took the Booby Cricket Bat home whilst Siti Fatimah continues her slow improvement but still was just this week's Most Exercise winner - won't be long Siti!

Again this week it took a count back to separate the top players with Dean Merrilees winning his first Runner Up prize leaving the way for Aknes Berkenhoff to win her first Little Dog and become this week's Champion - well done Aknes - now you can teach hubby how to play!.


Congratulations to all our winners - as always!

And some great videos this week - keep them coming please.

Great view of the Club House

Bill - if you don't succeed try and try again!

Aknes on her way to a great win!

So, with 4 weeks gone it's looking interesting at the top of the leaderboard with Sarah's lead holding in the Eclectic race but she now needs birdies to improve further and the pack continues to catch up with only 7.3 separating the top ten! So, check out the full results through our Leaderboard page or in the mygolf2u app as usual.

Now we move on to the fifth and penultimate week of the series - getting ever closer to the business end! We will have a semi shotgun again at 12:30pm latest so please ensure you are there in good time so we can all start on time - thanks in advance.

As we always say; grab a friend, please sign up early and let Rod know your preferred playing partners.

  • Where: Sedayu Indo Golf

  • When: Saturday, October 15, 2022

  • Tee Off: 12:30

  • Green Fee: 1.300.000 IDR. Includes cart and caddie fee

To register:

See you on the course, Rod & jb


The Rules and what it means when we play.

Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel, R&A First Grade Umpire.

In a singles match, Player A has the honour on the 5th hole. He hits his ball towards some thick bushes and decides to play a provisional ball. What is the correct order of play?

A - Player A must play his provisional ball before Player B hits her tee shot.

B - Player A must play his provisional ball after Player B hits her tee shot.

C - Player A may choose to play his provisional ball either before or after

Player B hits her tee shot.

Correct answer: B

Explanation: When a player will play a provisional ball from the teeing area, the order of play is for all other players in the group to make their first stroke on the hole before the player plays the provisional ball.

A player may repair natural wear of the hole on the putting green before putting.

A - True

B – False

Correct answer: B

Explanation: A player may repair damage on the putting green, however, 'damage on the putting green' does not include any damage or conditions that result from natural wear of the hole. Meaning only damages from shoes and balls may be repaired. Creating a nice road on the green is not permitted.

A strong gust of wind causes a players ball to move on the putting green before she has had a chance to mark, lift and replace the ball. The player must replace her ball on the

original spot.

A - True

B – False

Correct answer: B

Explanation: If natural forces (such as wind or water) cause the player's ball at rest to move, there is no penalty and the ball must be played from its new spot. There is an exception to this, which states that if the ball on the putting green moves after it had already been lifted and replaced, the ball must be replaced on its original spot, however as the ball had not been lifted, that does not apply here.

A ball is lost if, after searching for it for one minute, the player declares it to be lost.

A - True

B – False

Correct answer: B

Explanation: If the ball is found by anybody playing on the course, the ball is not lost. A ball is lost, if it could not be found within 3 minutes. If it is found after 3 minutes it

is also lost.


WhatsApp Group We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to

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