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D.O.G.S. Third Round at Imperial Klub Golf

Dogs at large
Dogs at large

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

A great day for golf saw 36 D.O.G.S. turn up for our 3rd round of the current eclectic tournament. 3 other Dogs were with us in spirit as Nic & Renny Verdenal joined Minn Tun at Palm Resort in Johor Malaysia for a round at the same time. Minn gave us a running commentary about the course in the Chatter group. It was almost as if they were playing along with us.

The course had another tournament running concurrently with us and therefore we were given a shotgun start on holes 1 through 5. Despite the other tournament play moved quickly finishing the round in about 4-1/2 hours.

Welcome back to our President's father, Mike Brown! Great to see you again after 9 years since you last played with us. And a big welcome to Andrew Humphries for joining us for the first time. Hope to see you both again soon!

Terence Martin and Anirudh Katre snagged the Nearest to the Pin prizes, but they were unfortunately OB, and thus not able to bask in their glory. On hole 6, Rajeev Rajeswaran had the Longest Drive, but he was OB too. This actually turned out alright because Gary Millburn and Jacob Smith both hit their drives the same distance and received prizes. Marc Desilets shot a 105 but pulled off two solid (lucky?) shots in a row to win Drive & Pitch on hole 4. No one managed to get on in 2 on 17.

President John Brown couldn't quite match his game from last week, but his putting was on point, earning him the title of Putting Champion. Anthony Quigley found some rhythm, snagging both the Most Exercise and the Booby Prize. No one was shocked when Anirudh Katre had an awesome round, taking home the Lowest Gross. Willie Noronha edged out Doug McQuater in a count back to become the Runner Up. For the first time, the always shy Ash Hewitt stood before the D.O.G.S. as the Weekly Champion.

A mystery illness came over last week's leader Axel Hertzke causing him to WD from this week's round and paved the way for Ash to jump up into the lead on the back of his 8.2 point Eclectic improvement. The improvements become difficult from this point in the tournament on. Check out the full results here.

To avoid disappointment due to our 40 player restriction get signed up early for the next round. As always, if you find you can't register due to registration being full, please let Rod know directly so you can go on the waiting list. Please also remember to let Rod know if you have to pull out as soon as you know so we can fill the vacant spot. Thanks to all for your support and we will always try to get more slots if we can and the demand is there. Join us next week for the antepenultimate round of this Eclectic.

  • Where: Imperial Klub Golf

  • When: Saturday, 25 January 2025

  • Tee Off: 12:30

  • Green Fee: 1.200.000 IDR includes sharing cart and caddie fee.

To register:

  • Via our website.

  • Sign up in myGolf2u

See you all on the course.

Rod & jb


Rules Information

Check out this quick video on what happens if you hit another players ball on the green.



Imperial Charity Barrel

Our charity for this tournament is Yayason YPAI, a school in Bogor which educates children with special needs such as Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and other mental and physical challenges.


If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to

WhatsApp Groups

We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to

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